Live Intuitively is Evolving!

Starting a business is a rollercoaster. It can be exciting, invigorating, scary and uncomfortable. I’m approaching my business’ first birthday in January 2023 and I’ve been on a steep learning curve this year, and it shows no signs of changing! What I hadn’t envisaged when I started was the ever-evolving nature of it. This time last year, I was coming up with my ideas, plans and strategies for ‘Live Intuitively’ and then I assumed I’d just crack on with ‘doing the work’. Little did I know! My business has changed quite considerably since then.

To quote myself in an interview I had published in a local community magazine in the summer of 2022, when I was asked what the future held for my business, I stated, “I plan to start working with postnatal women on self-care, body acceptance and anxiety management/mindfulness later into the year and 2023.” But strangely, I’d lost track of that plan along the way…

WELL, I have exciting news!
With the help of James White (Mentor,, I have got back in touch with my big vision (much bigger than me!): For every woman who wants to mother in a natural and instinctive way, to feel confident to trust her intuition – even before their child is born –so they are content, at peace and emotionally available for their babies. After all, a happy Mum gives her baby the best opportunity to form a strong, secure attachment with her (and its other caregivers) which means they go on to thrive and flourish as they grow through childhood and beyond, and to achieve their potential in the world. I said it was big!

That has led me to recently complete the Paramana Doula Training with Dr. Michel Odent and Liliana Lammers, and I am now starting to offer services as a Postnatal Doula! This is SO exciting for me and is a culmination of many years of supporting pregnant and new Mums as part of my work in a children’s centre before I had my own children and while they were very young, and my newer knowledge and experience of teaching mindfulness, empowering women to trust their instincts and how these things can impact childbirth and life as a new parent.

So, what will I be offering?
I am so excited and privileged to be able to work with families in this way and of course, this too shall evolve over time, but this is what my support looks like from now:

  • Creating a postnatal plan with you before you have your baby (yes, there is life after the birth plan!)

  • A listening ear after childbirth, no matter your story and during pregnancy to help to alleviate anxieties and support you to build trust in your body.

  • Breastfeeding support, especially in the early days.

  • Encouragement that you know what you’re doing so you feel confident in your skills as a mother, even if you’re feeling anxious.

  • Creating a community of like-minded women via my Facebook group: ‘Mothers’ Intuition: support in pregnancy and early motherhood’ , where I am committed to sharing thoughts and ideas, and offering support to Mums. My hope would be that they would feel able to share their own thoughts, and support each other too. Preventing feelings of isolation is really important to me.

  • Practical help in the form of cooking, tidying up, washing and minding your baby when you’re desperate to sleep.

  • Babywearing (slings) advice

  • Baby massage courses and other ways to help you bond with your baby.

So if you, or anyone you know is pregnant or has recently begun life with a new baby and is keen to do it in the way that feels right for them, then please suggest they look up my website, facebook group and other social media so that I can support them to get the best start to their parenting journey.


Preparing for Birth…


Even I forget to listen sometimes